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Create a Financial Roadmap for Your Unique Path

No Shame. No Stress. Just Service.

If you’re searching for a financial advisor, chances are you might be feeling slightly stressed and overwhelmed. We get it; thinking about how your finances are working for you now and if you’ll have enough moving forward is something that everyone worries about.

But fear often lies in the unknown - that’s why it’s important to find someone who can answer your questions and give you impartial advice on how to move forward. At Charpentier Wealth Strategies we’re passionate about helping you create a Financial Roadmap that fits your current and future lifestyle. We’re dedicated to the individuals, families and business owners who want to live life to the fullest, now and in the future.

Step 1: Schedule an Appointment

Step 1: Schedule an Appointment

We offer a complementary introductory meeting to learn about you and how our services might help you.

Step 2: Customize Your Plan

Step 2: Customize Your Plan

Our Six Principles of Financial Planning ensure that your plan will be as unique as your goals and aspirations.

Step 3: Live the Life you Want

Step 3: Live the Life you Want

The life you live is directly related to your perception of your ability to live -- your plan should clearly define your ability to live.

It’s Time to Move Forward

People are often embarrassed to admit that they don’t have a current financial plan or any plan at all. We understand that feeling and we are willing to meet our clients where they are and help to move them move ahead. We don’t micromanage; we simplify information to make it understandable.

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You Talk, We Listen

Your individual plans and goals should be the primary drivers of the financial planning process. Our clients talk, we listen. We watch over our clients from their first investment to their last paycheck deposit. We know it feels good to get everything in order.


What Our Clients Have to Say

Our firm specializes in helping individuals develop sound retirement strategies. If you are retired – or approaching retirement – please take the time to explore our website and the wealth of information we offer. We offer personalized, hands-on service. We educate our clients about financial concepts and products and take the mystery out of investing, insurance, estate conservation, and preserving wealth.

We understand the many challenges of retirement today and know the biggest concern for many is outliving their money. We focus on money management, as well as other issues that are critical to your financial well being.

Client Centered

When it comes to tax planning, you want to avoid as many mistakes as you possibly can.

This short guide will help you sidestep some of the most common mistakes many people make.

Understand the most common IRS tax penalties and 6 errors you can hopefully avoid.